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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Humpty Dumpty Day

So, I thought today might be a good day to update you on my work-out routine.
I guess it would be easy to lie due to the fact that you cannot really see me,
I won't.
I started out strong walking 3 days a week! Awesome right?!
Well, let's just say I have been preoccupied  lazy.
It's so hard to stay in the routine...
Let's face it, I'm done!!

I think I may give it another whirl though.
I purchased a Jillian Michaels video called 30 Day Shred...

I think starting April 1st I am going to take it out of the plastic.
So, the month of April will be dedicated to my
30 days of Jillian.

Wish me luck on this second attempt to be bikini ready!

My motivation:

Realistic right?!?

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