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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Has it REALLY been 10 years?!?

I cannot believe that I will attending my 10 year High School Reunion this weekend!
However, I am really excited.
I have not seen most of my close friends from high school in over 5 years!
I can almost guarantee that we will pick up right where we left off
and be just as ROWDY!

My friend Afton called from Texas yesterday to
 informed me that she would be riding to Tupelo with me on Friday.
I am so pumped about the extra bonding time!

In preparation of the reunion, I cannot help but take a few trips down memory lane.
High school really was some of the most memorable times in my life.
I cannot wait to catch-up on what everyone has been doing
over the last 10 years.

PS. I feel really old all of the sudden!

Stay tuned for post reunion updates & photos....

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