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Monday, February 21, 2011

Beautiful Weekend

Robert and I had a very AWESOME weekend!
Friday night we had dinner at Julep. Fish tacos are always amazing!
Followed with drinks at Bulldog and turned in early for much needed sleep.
Saturday was gorgeous. Robert went squirrel hunting while I hit up the shops! New Jessica Simpson jewelery was a MUST to complete my outfit for dinner at Tico's. We had a quick nap and a snack before hitting the town again. Dinner at Tico's with great friends was so good, as usual. We went to Cherokee after dinner to hear a friend's band.
SO FUN!!! We danced the night away.

Sunday was the best way to wrap up the weekend.
Fishing with the husband...AND THE DOG!
That's right, we have a new found talent for our lab Delta. She can fish!

Lunch was the best. Chili cheese dogs!

Hope you had a great weekend too!!!

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