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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Running A Fever...


So believe it or not, I went on my first walk of the year yesterday. The weather was absolutely perfect!
For those of you that know me, you know that I absolutely HATE any form of exercise...SERIOUSLY!
However, I feel amazing today! I can honestly tell that I have more energy.
So, let's hope this fever to be outside and productive continues running high.

THE GOAL: 15 to 20 lbs.
EXERCISE DAY 1: Complete.
WEIGHT LOSS: 0 (Need to buy a scale!)

The only issue I have now is the equipment. This girl needs a new pair of shoes!


I am thinking of trying the Reebok Easytones or something equivalent.
The shoes I am wearing now seem so heavy and I trip over my own 2 feet!
Ok, so maybe it's just the fact that I am out of shape, BUT I honestly think new shoes may help in this girl continuing on her journey to the skinnier side!

Wish me luck!!

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